Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dealing with Difficult People

Reading is really like a bank that it allows you to deposit any knowledge and once you are ready to share with everyone all you have to do is to withdraw it. I have completed reading a book which Brother Bo Sanchez wrote entitle "how to deal with difficult people".

In this book you will learn that people around may be vampire or even you are considered a vampire. A vampire on how he explains a personal trait of a person. What are these vampires that's he talks about. A vampire could be criticizing vampire, controlling vampire, contradicting vampire, complaining vampire, clinging vampire, crying vampire, coward vampire and con vampire. If are you going to assess what personal trait you are this may help develop and help you respond appropriately to certain situation. This book allow me to grow my inner power to deal things which I may though difficult. What's similar to this traits of vampire is they are immature. But even its sometimes no way out this book will help you transform because God is within you.

When you are the vampire what the bestbthing you can do? Let me share the quote from this book "many times, you're impatient because you make matters in your hands. If you want to be patient learn matters into Gods hands." Dealing with impatience is trust. Sometimes we are hot tempered and we always shout to siruation we don't like. The secret is to have patience from a deep trust in God. Also I love how Brother share that being selfish sometimes is good but that selfishness is to have a forgivable attitude. It's a blessing to forgive.

How do you respond if you ate surrounded by people who have faults? Do you have the answer? May be you already have. I was amaze how Brother Bo stated his answer by simply saying "Make allowance for each other faults" (Colossians 3:13). All we need to do is to control ourselves since we can't control their faults. This is how he explained the area of concern and the area of control.

I hope I was able to share with you that because of this many realizations has made into my life. Thanks to Bro. Bo Sanchez for the inspiration.

"Problema are just problems and it make every human being stronger. Think of it as a blessing and you'll see how it will go away as you are thinking positively."~marshmallow~

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